Prices/Venue | Register | Meals/Lodging |
Prices and Venue
•Basic rate •Break-even rate •Feeling prosperous •Work-trade •Non-dancers •Saturday workshops only (9am-4pm, includes lunch) | $125 $145 $165 contact $55 $50 |
What’s this pricing all about anyway?
Registration is limited to the first 150 who sign up. Registration is not complete until payment is received.
Cancellations and refunds
To defray processing and catering costs a $10 cancellation fee will be charged for all refunds except for those issued in the case of illness or injury. For online or credit card transactions there may be transaction fees not subject to refund.
If you must cancel please contact us as soon as possible!

All dances and workshops will be held at the spacious and comfortable Bozeman Senior Center on the corner of Tracy and Tamarack (807 N. Tracy). The Center has a big, beautiful wood dance floor, streams daytime sunlight, lots of parking, and comfy couches for socializing. Workshop spaces are close by and dining facilities are convenient. If the weather is good, there’s a garden/patio area for sunning in the back. The acoustics are good too and it’s still only about 8 blocks from Main Street.