Montana Reel and Strathspey Society
Dedicated to Scottish and Celtic music and culture

Burns Night is the annual celebratory tribute to the life, works, and spirit of the great Scottish poet, Robert Burns. Each year, Burns Night is celebrated on, or near, the Bard’s birthday, January 25th. Burns Suppers adhere to the time honored format: eating a traditional Scottish meal, sampling Scotch whisky, and reciting works by, about, or in the spirit of The Bard, Robert Burns.

We welcome all people to play with us at our public events (jam, Burns night band, contra dance band). We allow people to use music or chord charts if they want.
The Society has been accumulating a collection of sheet music for songs that are appropriate for their jams. This music is available in digital form in a shared Google Drive Folder – when you try to access the folder for the first time, you will need to request access. You will be able add a note to the request, and we will communicate with you to get your access arranged.

You can join us on Facebook for the latest happenings.